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Thoughts on Fanfiction Sites

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Guys I must be so old now lol does anyone remember Angelfire and Quizilla

I guess it's just meπŸ˜…

The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga

No, it's not just you. I miss the old internet!

Bonus to anyone who was on LiveJournal. I was a constant user from 2001-2011. πŸ’š

The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga

Have been a long user 2004-2011

I miss Delicious the first Fanfic tagging system website 😭😭 I'm so old!!

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

So having started posting my stuff on Wattpad (forgive me), I now see that Wattpad allows you to block tags, meaning you can filter out works you don't want to see. I think this might be my favorite feature.

EDIT: Wattpad also has a really good demographics page.

mmlf and Naaga have reacted to this post.
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