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Harry Potter Rants

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Yeah I had to learn the hard way not to go down the rabbit hole with snaters, and sometimes I still do.

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I prefer staying away from arguem. I frequently argued in Harry Potter's main subreddit and some of the discussions were quite enlightening but since the Snape-Marauder ban, I have mostly stopped unless I come across something stupid

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HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on April 16, 2023, 2:16 pm

There's a line Snape gives where he passively looks down on someone who gives an answer close to verbatim to the textbook, which shows he clearly has no respect for regurgitation.

If I am not mistaken, that would be Hermione Granger, when Snape asks someone to explain the importance of non-verbal spells. He said it was copied word-for-word from The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 6. 

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Well, well, well, this has certainly made my day, infighting among marauder fans.

i hate the marauders fandom
by u/Sea_Foot1142 in HPfanfiction

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and Krystal have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal

Few surprises here!

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga

Not what I'd call infighting... where's the venom and vituperation? I found 2 truly unpleasant exchanges in there, and I'm being generous

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga

Yeah, more like a divide between marauder fandom was acknowledged. First are old school marauder fans and other are ATYD based marauder fans. The latter are currently dominating their fandom and former feel frustrated over being bullied by their own fandom.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystal

This exact thing is what especially sticks out to me in so many Marauders era fics that try to pass off as canon compliant - that Snape is indeed portrayed as the root of all evil that goes on in the story.

I’ve actually been waiting for some time to rant about all the irritating Marauders era Snape-bashing tropes and cliches that I see over and over again and here it comes:

In the canon Marauders era, Snape is hanging out with people in his house who do evil things and aim to be Death Eaters. He falls into it too, being promised glory as well as a sense of belonging that he feels he cannot get otherwise. He hates muggles and by fifth year believes in the anti-muggleborn ideology enough to call his best friend a slur, which is the last straw for their friendship. Then he ends up joining the Death Eaters.

As for his other canon sin, he also spies on the Marauders and disrespects their boundaries trying to find out Lupin’s secret and where the Marauders go on full moons in order to get them expelled - which admittedly wouldn’t have happened if they had not decided to antagonize and torment him 4-on-1 in the first place.

So teenage Snape’s canon faults are joining the Death Eaters and trying to bring down the Marauders by targetting Lupin’s illness. He is also generally short-sighted, self-centered, deluded and unempathetic in his friendship with Lily, unable to understand why she thinks his choices are bad.

He’s obviously not what you’d call a hero or a good kid.

But the interesting thing is that for a lot of fans, all of these canon faults Snape has are not enough to justify their dislike of him, apparently.

So not only is it is bad enough that he’s a Death Eater wannabe who plots to get the Marauders expelled - he must quite literally be rotten to the core, a greasy wankstain in the vague shape of an incredibly ugly human without a single good bone in his body or a non-hateful thought in his head. He can’t be allowed have any good qualities whatsoever.

In what I’m now dubbing the Marauderverse, not only does Snape not understand Lily and is possessive of her - he must also be a horrible misogynist pig towards her, dragging and negging and slutshaming and sexualizing her at every turn and after their platonic breakup, he totally stalks and harasses her constantly to the point where the poor woman is having panic attacks at the slightest mention of his greasy, creepy ass. Definitely a professional mansplainer and a “nice guy” too.

Oh but it doesn’t end there: oh no. Snape the Ultimate Bastard is also a major homophobe who lives for outing poor Sirius and Remus against their will just to make their life hell, no provocation needed. Speaking of Sirius, Snape totally has his parents’ number, and is in fact their best friend. If Sirius gets a nice little howler at breakfast or the beating of his life over the holidays, you can bet it was because evil little Snivelly went and told his parents he kissed Remus or something, asking for Sirius to be abused. And if one of the characters is written as trans, there’s no doubt Snape the Surpreme Transphobe will be bullying them about it and deadnaming them at every chance because that’s just the way he rolls. Can’t have him respecting or even just ignoring anyone for any reason, can we?

Going back to the Blacks, guess why Sirius hates Snape’s guts so much, aside from the homophobic harassment? It’s because Snape is obviously the sole reason his poor innocent cute baby brother Regulus is being ripped apart from him. Yes, little Regulus is being brainwashed by the evil git. Who even are Mulciber, Avery, Lucius Malfoy or their own damn cousin Bellatrix? Severus Snape the Half-blood Prince is Hogwarts’ Death Eater groomer and recruiter number one, maliciously preying on innocent little first years much more endearing than him.

Oh and he is racist too, he is ever so racist. Despite there fact that there is no canon evidence of any racial discrimination or prejudice in the Wizarding World (In the 1920’s, America had a black woman for Minister of Magic or whatever their equivalent of it was, I’m on mobile so not gonna look it up) Snape will nevertheless be lording his white male privilege daily over marginalized individuals from ethnic minorities, most notably the one and only James Potter: the son of genuine and legit Indian immigrants Fleamont and Euphemia.

The jealous prick also stole James’ original ideas for improving the recipes in Advanced Potion Making. Maybe we should pity him a little though, after all it must get hard on his self-esteem, being surrounded by the numerous Gryffindor prodigies while being so completely void of any talent or smarts himself. The spells in the book were all him, though - because he is magically far less stupid when it comes to inventing ways to bully and torture others… yes it does make sense! Shut up!

In addition to all of his prejudices and the mile long list of -isms and -phobias Snape embodies, he is also a psychopathic school-shooter wannabe who wants to see blood. Some poor Gryffindor will inevitably be rushed to the hospital wing in critical condition after being hit with a dark curse by none other than Snivelly, probably as revenge for some very minor or imaginary slight that the fragile narcissist could not handle without flying into uncontrollable rage. Never will this murderous nutcase be expelled or committed to a mental ward either, because of course the slimy snake is a teachers’ pet as well and they will never believe he did it.

Like sometimes it gets absolutely ridiculous how evil this one kid is made out to be and how everything bad that happens in the story is caused by him or somehow ties back to him.

Who needs Voldemort at that point when you have… this.

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