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Voldemort's body in 1981

In 1981, Voldemort, who cast Avada Kedavra at Harry, lost his physical body, right? However, in 1998, Voldemort died with his body intact.

I discussed this difference with my friend, and I suggested that Voldemort in 1981 didn't just fire the curse at Harry, but rather "he might have cast Avada Kedavra while simultaneously grabbing Harry's body with his own hands." And the reason the house was destroyed… could simply be that Lily's ancient magic clashed with Avada Kedavra and caused an explosion."

Considering that Voldemort possessed Quirinus Quirrell's body and Quirrell's physical form disappeared when he touched Harry, it seems quite possible. What do you all think? When he was trying to take the stone in the first book, one assumption for why he didn’t realize touching Harry would cause his body to disintegrate could be that he was overconfident using Quirrell's body or didn’t fully understand the situation when he died in 1981.

Additionally, my friend also suggested that the reason a piece of Voldemort's soul, which separated from him, happened to attach to Harry instead of any nearby object could be because he was actually touching Harry with his hands at that moment, making Harry the chosen target for the soul fragment.

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