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WTF Did I Just Read? (a.k.a. Truly Disturbing Fanfiction Recommendations)

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Quote from Krystal on March 8, 2023, 5:18 pm

This is a one shot fic which is truly fucked up Snily from Snape's side called flowers look best bruised.

Non-con/Rape, Necrophilia, Deranged Snape, Misogyny

I just read it, and wow… you weren't kidding about "truly fucked up". I wonder if the author is a Snape fan or someone who hates him… sometimes it's hard to tell with the darker stuff.

Also, what is it with fanfic writers pretending like the refractory period isn't a thing? I see so many of them do this, and I can never tell if it's due to ignorance/poor sex ed or some other reason.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark Angel

Also, what is it with fanfic writers pretending like the refractory period isn't a thing? I see so many of them do this, and I can never tell if it's due to ignorance/poor sex ed or some other reason.

I think ignorance/poor sex ed is the likely reason. This issue is typically associated with male writers though I am not stereotyping them.

This mentioned fic, I felt was written by a Snape hater who tried to project him as abusive, possessive, obsessed and sexist in character, a Snape fan could never write him in such way.

Heatherlly and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyDark Angel
Quote from Krystal on March 10, 2023, 1:27 am

I think ignorance/poor sex ed is the likely reason. This issue is typically associated with male writers though I am not stereotyping them.

Really? I'd assume it was much more common with female writers (especially younger/less experienced ones), as those who have penises have first-hand understanding of how they work.

Then again, I've seen plenty of male writers describe impossibly large penises and superhuman stamina in their sex scenes. For those writers, it's more about wish fulfillment than accuracy – pretending that the refractory period oesn't exist could easily be a part of that.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark Angel

Really? I'd assume it was much more common with female writers (especially younger/less experienced ones), as those who have penises have first-hand understanding of how they work.


Then again, I've seen plenty of male writers describe impossibly large penises and superhuman stamina in their sex scenes. For those writers, it's more about wish fulfillment than accuracy – pretending that the refractory period oesn't exist could easily be a part of that.

I agree with you completely, it is more of wish fulfilment for the male writers. Reason for popularity of Harem genre fics.

Heatherlly and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyDark Angel

The Mooncalves Dance

Summary: When Lily falls for James Potter, the black-eyed Slytherin, Severus Snape, finds himself determined to thwart this unexpected love at any cost. Dark and spooky.

dubious consent, rape, mind control

Well written one shot featuring an unambiguously Dark Snape. Not how I envision him, obviously, but I've got to give props for how sinister he is in this story. Unlike many people who write Dark Snape, this author keeps it subtle and never goes overboard. This Snape's power is in all the things he doesn't say… that shit legitimately gave me chills.

Bonus points for beautiful descriptions of scenery. All in all a very good (albeit disturbing) story.

Krystal and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
KrystalDark Angel
Quote from Heatherlly on March 17, 2023, 9:04 pm

The Mooncalves Dance

Summary: When Lily falls for James Potter, the black-eyed Slytherin, Severus Snape, finds himself determined to thwart this unexpected love at any cost. Dark and spooky.

dubious consent, rape, mind control

Well written one shot featuring an unambiguously Dark Snape. Not how I envision him, obviously, but I've got to give props for how sinister he is in this story. Unlike many people who write Dark Snape, this author keeps it subtle and never goes overboard. This Snape's power is in all the things he doesn't say… that shit legitimately gave me chills.

Bonus points for beautiful descriptions of scenery. All in all a very good (albeit disturbing) story.

Agreed about the scenary. Yeah, this Snape is subtly Dark yet not being wholly evil like previous rec. I can read these fics while keeping these Snapes separate from my version of Severus.

Heatherlly and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyDark Angel

I can read these fics while keeping these Snapes separate from my version of Severus.

Same. 🙂

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KrystalDark AngelInterwovenMadness


Summary: What if Snape saved Lily from Voldemort? Wouldn’t Lily be appropriately grateful? Wouldn’t that be sweet?“ but I am the place where all desires are fulfilled, I mean: all desires.” Margaret Atwood, the Circe/Mud Poems, “now it is winter”

Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Drug-Induced Sex, Non-Consensual Drug Use.

Additional warning: this one is ugly. Canon!Lily is someone who can hold grudges when she wants to, and this grudge is a doozy. And Severus’s behavior does not bear examination.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceDark Angel

His Masterpiece

Explicit, Gaslighting, Sexual Assault

This is one I binge read a couple months ago, I was so excited when a new chapter came out. The James in Veritas Omnia Vincit is a kitten compared to this one. He isn't only a manipulative bastard but also a serial killer and this story is so sad when you think of what could have been as Lily seems more attracted to Severus than vice versa

Terror permeated throughout Britain during the First Wizarding War. Every day there were new reports of attacks, of Muggleborns dead or missing, never to be found. In this climate of fear, there were whisperers of a murderer on the loose, a serial killer who targeted young, dark-haired men. Most people scoffed at the idea; the young men were victims of You-Know-Who, like so many others, they had no need to add more fear in their lives with senseless stories of boogeymen. But one artist living in Knockturn Alley knew better.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalTimeLadyJamie

Amor arma ministrat

Non-con/Rape, Underage sex, Child abuse, toxic relationship, Violence

A really toxic Snily with a Dark Lily corrupts a good Severus Snape into a Death Eater. This is a canon rehash with the primary Snily but also other relationships like Jily and Snucius. It's not my cup of tea, but apparently many people like it, and @giosnape is involved in the translation process. The writer is originally writing in Italian.


““I hate him” Lily hissed, tears threatening to overflow.
Severus came closer, wrapping her in an embrace that could not really comfort her, holding her close and sinking his face into her hair.
“... I'm going to kill him, Lily” he murmured over his head. He had been thinking about it for some time now. It was a step he had to take.
“Do you swear?” asked Lily, in a whisper.
“Are you going to make him suffer? Will you torture him, Sev?"
“Yes. For you, yes”.
Lily threw herself back into his embrace, forcing him to raise his head. She grabbed his dress on his chest, squeezing, and stared into his eyes, her expression firm and determined.
“Are you going to make it, Sev? You who are so... Good?”
Lily stumbled over the word, but continued to stare at him.
Severus knew he would find the strength. To strike where Lily's magic failed, to give her the relief of revenge.
Whatever price his soul would pay, he was willing to do it. For her.
Only for Lily.
“I will become a monster for you, Lily” he replied, as serious as ever, and she broke into a cruel smile that tasted of victory.”

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HeatherllyDark AngelGiorgiaRobaku90
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