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WTF Did I Just Read? (a.k.a. Truly Disturbing Fanfiction Recommendations)

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The Prince and the Prisoner has the same premise as The Reward, but it's not as dark; Snape isn't even close to being as bad in it as in the Reward.

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Quote from The Gestalt Prince on February 23, 2023, 3:13 pm

The Prince and the Prisoner has the same premise as The Reward, but it's not as dark; Snape isn't even close to being as bad in it as in the Reward.

Oh, I'm definitely going to try this one ASAP. It's a fascinating premise… I'd love to read a version where Lily isn't as spineless and Snape is less of an asshole.

The Gestalt Prince, GlacierValley and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyKrystalRobaku90
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on February 23, 2023, 3:13 pm

The Prince and the Prisoner has the same premise as The Reward, but it's not as dark; Snape isn't even close to being as bad in it as in the Reward.

I did read the first fic of that series. However, Snape's characterization seems to take a darker turn in the 2nd one so I stopped reading the fic at that point.

The Gestalt Prince, GlacierValley and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyKrystalRobaku90

Oh yeah no, it's still dark for sure

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Quote from Heatherlly on February 23, 2023, 3:33 pm

I'd love to read a version where Lily isn't as spineless and Snape is less of an asshole.

@heatherlly I mean Lily definitely has way more spine in Puzzle, and I think Sev could be considered nicer, but this time Lily's an extremist and kind of scary? So idk if this is the balance you're looking for

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystal
Quote from Heatherlly on February 22, 2023, 10:39 pm

More thoughts on "The Reward"…

This Severus (and so many other characters) can fuck all the way off with their bullshit.

Couldn't agree more. I get that the author is trying to show his humanity, but man. It disturbs me that the author seems to want the reader to think Snily could be healthy in this situation, and I just don't see how

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalInterwovenMadness

Oh and here I am with another rec! (I have too many in my head... I keep remembering new ones)

This one is Corvus Fallere, Book 2 by mousewrites on AO3.

Summary: "If you've accepted the unacceptable... how do you go on?"

It's very twisty in terms of morality. The Dark Lord won, and Severus Snape is now in charge of one of the Death Eater factions, the House of Corvus. The former Light Side were sold off as slaves. This book follows Harry, Ron and Hermione as Snape works to mold them into Corvatica, his expensive class of consorts, but nothing is as it seems. This book is the one focused the most on Severus, and the really dark shit. This series has extreme BDSM and dehumanization as a matter of course. Dead dove. The storyline is pretty great; the character development and worldbuilding are thorough and interesting.

The prequel and sequel are also well done, but they are less Severus-focused and the plot kinda starts getting real complicated in the third book. One thing to know from the prequel is that Hermione had a choice to join the boys or do a different task, and she chose to stay with them even though Snape warned her she "wasn't suited."

Dead dove with sexual slavery, extreme and unwilling BDSM, and manipulation. Snape does whatever he believes necessary to turn them into what they need to be in order to survive.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga

Okay, I have a request.

I'd like to read a story where Lily and James are together, he's physically (and possibly sexually) abusive, and she's stuck with him against her will (and/or was coerced into being with him in the first place). I'd like for Severus to be the one who rescues her from that situation, with (preferably) the two of them ending up together.

In other words, I want a story with dark/disturbing elements, but I don't want Severus to be the cause of them. I want the core relationship (Severus/Lily) to be a healthy/positive one, a story where he definitely isn't the bad guy.

Anyone know of a story that at least somewhat fits this criteria?

The Gestalt Prince, GlacierValley and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyKrystalBol_Stark

This is a one shot fic which is truly fucked up Snily from Snape's side called flowers look best bruised.

Non-con/Rape, Necrophilia, Deranged Snape, Misogyny

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That second tag... oh boy. 😵

One of the things I love about canon Snape is that, for all his flaws, he never comes off as sexist or misogynistic. Even in SWM, his reaction seems to have more to do with the lip twitch (i.e. thinking Lily was laughing at him) than the idea of being rescued by a girl.

That's one of the reasons I struggle with more sexist/degrading interpretations of him. While I do find them interesting to read, they strain credulity to the point that it doesn't feel anything like the character I know and love.

That said, I'm a fanfiction masochist so I'll give that one a look. Thanks for sharing!

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