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What Is Your Interpretation of Severus's Love for Lily?

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Quote from Amal zia on September 22, 2024, 5:42 am

Look I am sorry that was not my intention I realised that but the truth is I seen many labels of infatuation being labeled as Snape love and well that a bit too far considering their are clear prof in the book.

While look literature can be open it's also rather solid not just that open.

The patronuses they all are actually symbolic and the interpretation is not that open and the author is actually very accurate.

You are right we relate differently to things but symbolic perspectives don't change to be fair.

Doe are inherently symbolic representation of vulnerability and emotional depth and those were traits Snape did represented in the first place.

Anyway I did read your post but their were points I admit I couldn't find clear and I admit I was irritated look I did a lot of research so I admit I lost it.

While it's fine to assume literature can be open it does have an inherent truth and closed end and it could be dangerous to think of it as too open.

Rowling basis for her characters is spirtual as seen by her taking alchemical themes of transformation.

Her understanding believe me I read her posts isn't exactly shallow or empty she certainly gets it because I used to disagree but after reflection and reading and analysing her characters again it is more clear then ever

I don’t think you understand really what are we aiming at no matter how many times people have turned attention on that and tried to get it across. You essentially assumed something that wasn’t even an intent and wrote your own story to it, as well as argued about something nobody even wanted to argue or counter out in the first place (and… well, keep arguing even now, when we tried to communicate to you that it’s inappropriate). I don’t know whom do you want to challenge in your responses, but they are very condescending/patronizing and enforcing your own views in up-one’s-throat style, closing off any ambiguity or individuality. Especially it’s not really in the right place if as you admitted, you didn’t understand my intent fully and yet jump to conclusions ridden by emotion and especially not if you have monolith-like views that you don’t even want anyone to undermine while doing the same to others. I think that if it’s something you don’t want done to yourself, other people shall deserve the same kind of respect without taking offense. You are yelling at a cloud in the way that nobody’s intent is to argue with you, but you are repeating the same points as if trying to invalidate the slightest different or less black-and-white view.

Nobody is saying anything about a Patronus in the latest points (besides you mentioning it to yourself), nor does about symbolism, but even it has many routes and space for just individual perception even by tiniest detail depending on who is the beholder. Art is in the eye of the beholder, so is literature and other forms of it. It’s undeniable, and if it wasn’t, world would be much more boring of a place and way easier to get closed into uncreative, predictable patterns. Your point of view is just one of many, and not the most important and above any else one, it’s not flawless nor the most enlightened of them all (nor anyone’s is) - it’s not dangerous at all not to agree with you and it’s not a personal attack (nor am I trying to sound like my reply is, but I feel like any subtler forms of trying to tell you something are just futile and that spinning around the same mechanisms and patterns just won’t stop otherwise. I try to be blunt, not rude if it does, though).

My suggestion in this case would be to quit this argument, because it simply leads nowhere, and as I already said, I never even tried to change your mind while you keep doing so to me in very insistent manner. We all could benefit from simply agreeing to disagree rather than you challenging me and other people you disagreed with as if you wanted to necessarily push it to one or another side. We don’t have to share opinions. It’s not mandatory. And I’m not interested in a debate with you in the first place, therefore I won’t adhere to it.

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Look that's your choice and this is mine.

You can believe it's open while what she wrote would be same if seen trough an actual analytical lens.

Anyone let's stop.

Quote from Amal zia on September 22, 2024, 5:42 am

While it's fine to assume literature can be open it does have an inherent truth and closed end and it could be dangerous to think of it as too open.

How is it dangerous? It's fiction. One of the defining things about literature (and art in general) is that it resonates differently with each person that consumes it. No two interpretations will ever be exactly alike, but that's a feature, not a bug.

The issue I have with your posts, including this most recent one, is you insisting that your interpretations are fact and that anyone who doesn't see it the same way is wrong. There's a big difference between saying, "This is what I personally believe" and "This is exactly what JK Rowling intended".

You don't speak for JK Rowling. None of us do. We can of course speculate about various meanings / intentions in her writing, but none of us (yourself included) will ever know for sure.


Even if JKR came out tomorrow and said, "This is exactly why I chose the Doe Patronus", none of us would be obligated to agree with her or go along with it. She may be the author, but she doesn't get to decide how others interpret her characters. That's not how art works.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Waldemar have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaWaldemar

Look my point wasn't to start wars or something and you have the right to interpret your point.

But doesn't literature like Rowling has a point? I mean what power do I have to stop you? I do not to be fair but then there are points to be fair that can't be changed like their names or it's meaning or even the symbolisms.

I mean isn't there a reason we get furious with people who criticise Snape or think black and white about him? I mean you are right people interpretations can't be same there would be differnce always but there is always stance one needs to stop at.

We can't say Snape did not join death eaters or didn't love liliy because that's the book words not mine but we can interpret any thing about his hobbies that we are not sure about.

Rowling wrote her novels in depression to be fair there is reason her work is about grief and redemption in the first place.

While I can't say I am hundred percent right even tough I analysed it through many lens the thing is authors like that don't change the points usually because their is a base why she choose those words or symbolism.

Everyone has the right to think ehst they want but I am just analysing Rowling approach.

I am not Snape lover or hater. I just respect Snape.

That's why I think he should be analysed and this was the first site that actually analysed Snape then just the two extremes.


Look I am sorry if I offended anyone my emotional outburst yesterday shouldn't have happened.

That was not my intention to harm anyone with my words or well imply that no other interpretation matters.

I just want to discuss Snape the way he was written.

I admit I could be passionate and emotional but I just wanted to discuss the symbolic representation of her characters especially Snape and why she might have chosen that symbolism for Snape.

I am apologising to anyone who might have been harmed by me personally that was not my intention.

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I will try next time to be careful but where is dew.


Heatherlly and Naaga have reacted to this post.

You didn't harm anyone, and again, it's totally okay to express your opinions. Just try not to be so aggressive about it, yeah? There are plenty of ways to express dissenting opinions without making others feel attacked or treating it a black or white issue.

Other than that, I think you're doing yourself a disservice by focusing this much on JKR's feelings/intentions/symbolism. Yes, canon is a good basis for understanding a character like Snape, but in the end, what matters is how we interpret him as individuals based on our own feelings, personalities, experiences, etc. That's something that goes much deeper than words written in a book, and in my opinion, is much more fulfilling.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaBitterBritWaldemar

Maybe but I want to interpret him a bit more detached.

He isn't me so it's essential at least in my case.

Her themes resonate a lot with me. Her wisdom. The way she wrote it and to be fair Snape is a bit too complicated don't want to get lost in him.

So I keep a detached point of view with both his positive and negative perspectives.

At least because fanfictions can't be trusted.

Writers take it to farm I know because I found of harry potter from fanfictions and Hermione and Draco were a couple.

Tom riddle was good.

Dumbledore bashing.

These are common themes and believe me they make it less satisfactory then actual cannon.

That's why I decide to stay away from fanfiction except a few ones that are more cannon truthful.

Fanfictions can be too much hectic.

Tough your point has some merit heather fly.

It can be certainly interesting.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

That is an unusual approach, one I find difficult to understand. I'm not saying that as a criticism, it's just very different from the typical fan approach.

At least because fanfictions can't be trusted.

Can't be trusted to do what? Stick to canon? If fanfiction did that, it wouldn't be fanfiction. The whole point is for readers/writers to use their imaginations and explore other possibilities.

Writers take it to farm I know because I found of harry potter from fanfictions and Hermione and Draco were a couple.

Tom riddle was good.

Dumbledore bashing.

These are common themes and believe me they make it less satisfactory then actual cannon.

Did you mean "writers take it too far"?

Fanfiction writers aren't arguing that any of these things are true. What they're doing is asking "what if?" What if Draco and Hermione became a couple? What if Tom Riddle was a good guy and/or Dumbledore was a manipulative, scheming bastard?

People explore questions like this for many different reasons. Sometimes it's about liking/disliking specific characters, sometimes it's about wanting a better (or worse) outcome to certain events, and sometimes it's about fixing things we didn't like in canon.

In my case, I've written multiple stories where Severus survives the war. I wrote them because I felt his canonical death was cruel and unnecessary, and I want to give him another chance. I also love writing stories where he is able to heal and have real relationships (romantic or otherwise), etc.

Part of this is because I like seeing a happy ending. I don't like the idea of him being alone and miserable or dying too soon. More than that though, it gives me a deeper understanding of his character. It's fascinating to imagine how he would think, feel, or react if circumstances were different.

That's the one thing you can't get from canon. There's no version of Severus that isn't bitter, lonely, and filled with remorse, factors that influence his every word and action. We know what happens, and in the end, the outcome is exactly the same. Severus is left to bleed out on the floor of a filthy shack, without even the comfort of knowing that his suffering wasn't in vain.

That breaks my heart. Seriously, it kills me every time I read it. I can see why it might not bother you if you are indeed more detached, but for me, I need to be able to imagine better alternatives.

I think most Snape fans do in one way or another. Some of us might not write or even read fanfiction, but the "what ifs" are always there. 💚

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