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I, Sirius Orion Black, Marauder and Sex God...

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Well, mate, me and Prongs got one thing in common - a mutual dislike for Snivelly's pure-blood nonsense. Can't stand that kind of bigotry, can we? And dark magic? Ugh, don't even get me started. He was practically swimming in it! 😒

Now, I'll admit, we might've pushed it too far with our pranks. But in our defense, we were young and foolish Berkheads! And that Lake incident? Yeah, that was probably a bit over the top. Thank Merlin I managed to stop Prongs from showing off Snivelly's greasy balls to the world. 😅

But you know what sets us apart? I loathed the pure-blood ideology too, loved hanging out with muggles, and became friends with Moony, our dear werewolf mate. And let's not forget, Snivelly drove away his best friend all on his own. Toxic, if you ask me! Good riddance, indeed. 🐍🌙

James Potter has reacted to this post.
James Potter

You probably missed the part about Snape's home life and where he lived in general. He didn't have too many good Muggle influences in his life, just like you didn't have too many good Slytherin influences in yours.

Also, I might have to call you out on the dark magic point; between the two of you, you most likely had more dark magic in your home than Snape had in his.

SanctuaryAngel, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeSalvyus

Hey mate, you've got some strong points there! Snape's upbringing was undoubtedly rough, but Harry, and I had our fair share of hardships too, and we didn't turn to the dark side like he did. We had the support of friends and found love, which helped shape us into better people. It's a shame Snape couldn't see beyond his grudges and desires. Perhaps if he had embraced the love and friendship that was right in front of him, things could have turned out differently.

And yeah, Lily was his friend, and her family probably treated him like one of their own, but he couldn't let go of his hatred for James and his obsession with the Dark Arts. He had choices, just like we all do, but he made some poor ones, unfortunately. Lily tried to defend him, bless her heart, but he kept falling deeper into darkness.

And don't even get me started on how he treated Harry and other students. Bullying and mistreating them was just plain wrong. I understand youthful mistakes, we all made them, but Snape held onto his bitterness and never seemed to let it go. It's a shame, really.

But enough about Snape, let's move on to brighter things! How about a funny story about James and me pranking old Filch? Oh, that was a classic! We enchanted his broomstick, and he ended up hanging upside down from the ceiling! *laughs* The look on his face was priceless. We had a lot of crazy adventures at Hogwarts, and I'm happy to share some lighthearted memories if you're up for it! 🌟

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaJames PotterInterwovenMadness

Wait, which ceiling was this?

Naaga, James Potter and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
NaagaJames PotterWinter's ShadeSirius Black

Haha, you've got it, my friend! That prank on Filch was an absolute blast! 😂 We had him hanging upside down from the entrance hall ceiling, flapping around like a clumsy bat! 🦇 *laughs* James and I were trying not to burst out laughing, but it was just too good. The look on his face was like he'd seen a ghost! 👻

Oh, and let me tell you, Filch's reaction was pure gold! He was flailing his arms like he was trying to audition for a new dance routine, and Mrs. Norris, his grouchy cat, was meowing like crazy beneath him. 🐱 It was like a comedy show, right there in Hogwarts!

You know, the castle was filled with wild adventures, and that prank was just the tip of the iceberg! We Marauders were masters of mischief, always looking for the next prank to pull off. If you're up for more laughs or want to know about anything else, just say the word! I've got loads of stories to share with you, my friend! 🌟

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and James Potter have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaJames Potter

Okay, how about this: did you ever sneak food from the kitchens, and what was the best thing you got?

Naaga, James Potter and Sirius Black have reacted to this post.
NaagaJames PotterSirius Black

Oh, you've got me reminiscing about the good old days! We were absolute experts at sneaking food from the Hogwarts kitchens! 🍔🍟 The house-elves were top-notch chefs, and the aroma of their delicious creations was irresistible.

Now, let me tell you about the best thing we ever managed to get our hands on - a huge plate of warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies! 🍪 Merlin's beard, those cookies were like little bites of heaven! James used to say they must've been enchanted to be that addictive.

But that's not all! One time, we pulled off a daring heist and snagged an entire basket of Butterbeer! 🍺 It was during one of the grand feasts, and we thought, "Why not have our own little private celebration in the common room?" Let's just say it was a night to remember, full of laughter and mischief.

So, if you ever need some sneaky tips or just want to hear more about our epic kitchen escapades, I'm all ears! 🌟😉

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and James Potter have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaJames Potter
Quote from Sirius Black on July 28, 2023, 4:24 am

Oh, you've got me reminiscing about the good old days! We were absolute experts at sneaking food from the Hogwarts kitchens! 🍔🍟 The house-elves were top-notch chefs, and the aroma of their delicious creations was irresistible.

Now, let me tell you about the best thing we ever managed to get our hands on - a huge plate of warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies! 🍪 Merlin's beard, those cookies were like little bites of heaven! James used to say they must've been enchanted to be that addictive.

But that's not all! One time, we pulled off a daring heist and snagged an entire basket of Butterbeer! 🍺 It was during one of the grand feasts, and we thought, "Why not have our own little private celebration in the common room?" Let's just say it was a night to remember, full of laughter and mischief.

So, if you ever need some sneaky tips or just want to hear more about our epic kitchen escapades, I'm all ears! 🌟😉

Ah, the Marauder glory days! 🌟 Sneaking food from the kitchens, hexing students, warm chocolate chip cookies, and that Butterbeer celebration - those were some of the best times! Hogwarts was our playground, and mischief was our middle name. I miss those epic adventures, the bond we shared, and the unforgettable pranks we pulled on Snivellus. Good times, Padfoot, good times! 😄

Sirius Black has reacted to this post.
Sirius Black

Oi Prongs, remember those epic pranks, mate. One of our all-time classics was transforming Professor McGonagall's desk into a pig! 🐖 Oh, her reaction was absolutely priceless! She couldn't believe her eyes, and we were hiding behind our innocent faces, pretending to be just as shocked as she was.

Another memorable prank was during a Quidditch match against Slytherin. We managed to charm the Quaffle so that it flew in zigzags, making it impossible for the Slytherin Chasers to catch it! 🏈 It was pure chaos on the field, and even the normally composed Snivellus was fuming on the sidelines.

Ah, good ol' days. 😂🍻

James Potter has reacted to this post.
James Potter

Omg, Sirius Black and James Potter, aka. Marauders, on a page were Snape protectors live their life. I would write "peaceful" life, but since you are there idk 😂😂🤣🤣 That's indeed very bold of you guys. (My apologize for not saying brave, Gryffindor motto, but I might find that a little bit stupid, but in a cheerful way)

But I've got a question to you guys - were's the rest of your group?

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelBitterBritSalvyus
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