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New Harry Potter TV Series in Production

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Quote from Heatherlly on March 5, 2025, 12:44 pm

Dumbledore confirmed.

I think they should have gone with someone younger given how long the show is going to be. Other than that, I have no issue with the casting. He's a good actor, not to mention an American. Maybe a sign that they're not going to be so rigid about the "UK only" restriction?

Interesting! I do hope he will kind of be able to pull of a British accent (or not sound too American, if you catch my drift). I think it would break the immersion a bit, otherwise. Some actors can do this changing accent thing really well (don't forget, they're actors), an example being Andrew Lincoln. He is British, but was cast in The Walking Dead, where he played an American sheriff (in Georgia). He did it so well that I didn't even realise that he was actually British when I watched his performance on the show. I only did when I watched some behind-the-scenes stuff and heard his standard very British accent and was like "wtf" lmaooooo.

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