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Rereading/Rewatching the Harry Potter Series

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Quote from ZombiePotter04 on June 5, 2024, 3:09 pm
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on January 6, 2023, 2:24 pm
  • I agree with your point on the Marauders; the story wouldn't be interesting without them.
  • I feel like Harry and friends could have accomplished everything that happened without using the Time-Turner.
  • Prior to reevaluating my preferences, I would say the reveal scene was my favorite part of the movies, so much so that I would rewatch the entire series for the sole purpose of seeing that scene unfold.
  • As for Snape, yeah, the other characters did him dirty, and it's just one of those times where I can't help but think that everyone's screwing him over. When Snape reminds Dumbledore about what Sirius tried to do, and Dumbledore replies that his memory is as good as ever, that really fucked with me. This is the first time that it's confirmed that Dumbledore knew about what happened and covered it up, to the benefit of the Marauders and detriment of Snape.

My memory is really foggy on this one and maybe that is because of heavy bias. However, I would like to know why you and @heatherlly find the inclusion of the Marauders so important? Like, some examples. Because I cannot for the life of me remember.😂💀 I just loathe them so much and would like to know why you two claim the story wouldn't be interesting without them/love them. I get that for the 1970s era of Harry Potter (in fics I love them as antagonists), but what made their inclusion in the story of Harry so "fun"? Curious to know! <3

The main thing is their contrast with Snape and how they shaped him as a character; their influence plays a major role in Snape becoming the way he is and highlights a very weird trend in the fandom of people glamourizing confirmed and unreformed bullies

Naaga, Dust Collector and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
NaagaDust CollectorZombiePotter04

Marauders are well liked and fandom's love for them cemented much before the true reveal of their characters. People first saw their mention in Prisoner of Azkaban where Marauders according to what it seemed were:

  • Awesome guys who made a dope map.
  • Pranksters like twins.
  • Harry's dad was one of them, and since it was Harry's dad, he must've been cool and the saint Harry thought of him.
  • Lupin was well received as a mentor figure and he often keeps that role in fanon despite Canon Lupin gradually distancing himself from Harry in later books.
  • Sirius got this angsty hero vibes, and seemed like a badass father figure for Harry.

By the time OOTP came out, love for Marauders were set up and ships like Wolfstar become set in stone. So, it's tough for them to reconcile their favorites with the irredeemable bullies they were. Snape being an asshole to Harry and someone who turned temporarily evil doesn't help the case and Marauders fans justify Marauders treatment of Snape as either youthful harmless pranks or something Snape deserved. And let's not talk about the ATYD influence that has written a complete OOC Marauders' Era which glorifies Marauders and makes Snape way worse.

The Gestalt Prince, Robaku90 and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceRobaku90Dust CollectorZombiePotter04
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on June 5, 2024, 4:50 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on June 5, 2024, 3:09 pm
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on January 6, 2023, 2:24 pm
  • I agree with your point on the Marauders; the story wouldn't be interesting without them.
  • I feel like Harry and friends could have accomplished everything that happened without using the Time-Turner.
  • Prior to reevaluating my preferences, I would say the reveal scene was my favorite part of the movies, so much so that I would rewatch the entire series for the sole purpose of seeing that scene unfold.
  • As for Snape, yeah, the other characters did him dirty, and it's just one of those times where I can't help but think that everyone's screwing him over. When Snape reminds Dumbledore about what Sirius tried to do, and Dumbledore replies that his memory is as good as ever, that really fucked with me. This is the first time that it's confirmed that Dumbledore knew about what happened and covered it up, to the benefit of the Marauders and detriment of Snape.

My memory is really foggy on this one and maybe that is because of heavy bias. However, I would like to know why you and @heatherlly find the inclusion of the Marauders so important? Like, some examples. Because I cannot for the life of me remember.😂💀 I just loathe them so much and would like to know why you two claim the story wouldn't be interesting without them/love them. I get that for the 1970s era of Harry Potter (in fics I love them as antagonists), but what made their inclusion in the story of Harry so "fun"? Curious to know! <3

The main thing is their contrast with Snape and how they shaped him as a character; their influence plays a major role in Snape becoming the way he is and highlights a very weird trend in the fandom of people glamourizing confirmed and unreformed bullies

Ahh, yes. Now I understand. I do agree with this! Thanks for the explanation, btw!

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
Quote from Naaga on June 5, 2024, 11:32 pm

Marauders are well liked and fandom's love for them cemented much before the true reveal of their characters. People first saw their mention in Prisoner of Azkaban where Marauders according to what it seemed were:

  • Awesome guys who made a dope map.
  • Pranksters like twins.
  • Harry's dad was one of them, and since it was Harry's dad, he must've been cool and the saint Harry thought of him.
  • Lupin was well received as a mentor figure and he often keeps that role in fanon despite Canon Lupin gradually distancing himself from Harry in later books.
  • Sirius got this angsty hero vibes, and seemed like a badass father figure for Harry.

By the time OOTP came out, love for Marauders were set up and ships like Wolfstar become set in stone. So, it's tough for them to reconcile their favorites with the irredeemable bullies they were. Snape being an asshole to Harry and someone who turned temporarily evil doesn't help the case and Marauders fans justify Marauders treatment of Snape as either youthful harmless pranks or something Snape deserved. And let's not talk about the ATYD influence that has written a complete OOC Marauders' Era which glorifies Marauders and makes Snape way worse.

Sadly this is very true. Our poor Sev doesn't deserve all the hate he gets. Thanks for clarifying, btw. I only started reading the books when the series was already complete, so I did not know about fans already having set ships and the like in-stone for them long before the story was finished, but it makes sense. Funny how reading the series while it has already been completed can seemingly change your perspective on things.

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90Amal zia

I meant are you citing those readers because they are dehumanising Snape feelings for lily?

The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga
Cytat z JaySM w dniu 23 października 2023, 10:34

Ponownie obejrzałem pierwszy film o Harrym Potterze, ale tym razem ze skasowanymi scenami. Chciałbym mieć coś, do czego mógłbym się odwołać, ale wcześniejsze posty były skierowane na książkę, a nie w filmie.

Myślałem, że scena, w której litery Hogwartu były ukryte w jajkach, była miłym akcentem. Jak udało im się go tam wsadzić? To magia filmowa, której muszę się nauczyć.

To dziwne, jak książka Quirrell była w stanie uścisnąć dłoń Harry'ego na Szczeku, ale wersja filmowa nie była.

Gobliny w filmie są blade, ale w książkach są ciemnoskóre. Nie zauważyłem aż do teraz.

Spojrzenie Severus zastrzelił Harry'ego po jego sortowaniu, było "chef pocałunkiem".

Severus naprawdę wie, jak przyciągnąć uwagę uczniów podczas eliksirów. Zgodził wiele obietnic.

Wolałem Richarda Harrisa Dumbledore'a niż Michaela Gambona. Oboje wykonali świetną robotę, ale Harris miał ten urok podobny do życzliwego dziadka. To jest wrażenie, które otrzymałem w pierwszej książce. To jest zgodne z jego charakterem.

Harry oszukuje, łapiąc patyk ustami.

Od teraz potrzebuję, żeby Lee Jordan skomentował wszystkie mecze. 10/10

Dumbledore: „Być może wygrałeś, Slytherin, ale pozwólcie, że przyznam kilka punktów w ostatniej chwili. Nie masz nic przeciwko, prawda? Ponad 100 punktów do Gryffindoru! Przegrywasz, Severus!”

"Dumbledore klas się daintily" XD


See, they prefer the first Albus here too.


The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
Cytat z JaySM w dniu 23 października 2023, 22:56
Księcia Gestalt 23 października 2023, godz. 22:46

Tak, niespójność Quirrella też jest dla mnie dziwna. Może zamiar mieć coś wspólnego z jakimkolwiek kontaktem z Harrym, czy... tak, nie jestem pewien.

Myślę, że mój główny trzask Dumbledore jest dziwną hybrydą Harrisa i Gambona, która wiele mówi o mocnych stronach obu aktorów.

Interesujące byłoby zobaczenie interpretacji Dumbledore'a Harrisa w późniejszych filmach. Widziałem hrabiego Monte Cristo z 2002 roku i nie mogę się przejmować, jak dobrze radził sobie tam jako ksiądz. Myślę, że Harris przybiłby złożoność Dumbledore'a na ekranie, gdyby miał szansę.


Oh my god, it's the same actor! :O I didn't notice, thanks!
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaJaySMZombiePotter04
Quote from Robaku90 on June 8, 2024, 2:24 pm
Cytat z JaySM w dniu 23 października 2023, 10:34

Ponownie obejrzałem pierwszy film o Harrym Potterze, ale tym razem ze skasowanymi scenami. Chciałbym mieć coś, do czego mógłbym się odwołać, ale wcześniejsze posty były skierowane na książkę, a nie w filmie.

Myślałem, że scena, w której litery Hogwartu były ukryte w jajkach, była miłym akcentem. Jak udało im się go tam wsadzić? To magia filmowa, której muszę się nauczyć.

To dziwne, jak książka Quirrell była w stanie uścisnąć dłoń Harry'ego na Szczeku, ale wersja filmowa nie była.

Gobliny w filmie są blade, ale w książkach są ciemnoskóre. Nie zauważyłem aż do teraz.

Spojrzenie Severus zastrzelił Harry'ego po jego sortowaniu, było "chef pocałunkiem".

Severus naprawdę wie, jak przyciągnąć uwagę uczniów podczas eliksirów. Zgodził wiele obietnic.

Wolałem Richarda Harrisa Dumbledore'a niż Michaela Gambona. Oboje wykonali świetną robotę, ale Harris miał ten urok podobny do życzliwego dziadka. To jest wrażenie, które otrzymałem w pierwszej książce. To jest zgodne z jego charakterem.

Harry oszukuje, łapiąc patyk ustami.

Od teraz potrzebuję, żeby Lee Jordan skomentował wszystkie mecze. 10/10

Dumbledore: „Być może wygrałeś, Slytherin, ale pozwólcie, że przyznam kilka punktów w ostatniej chwili. Nie masz nic przeciwko, prawda? Ponad 100 punktów do Gryffindoru! Przegrywasz, Severus!”

"Dumbledore klas się daintily" XD


See, they prefer the first Albus here too.


Indeed! Good catch! Apparently we ain't the only ones! 😀

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
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