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Round Robin: The Post-Grad Prince: Part 2

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"I think that's the best you can do, he seemed like a very nice man and as if he really wanted to get to know you and help you." Lily replied before taking another sip of her tea.

"He... He was sort of what I expected, but at the same time he wasn't." Severus admitted with a thoughtful glance at the window.

"From the way my mum portrayed her parents... I would have thought they were completely snobbish purebloods who wouldn't even look at a half-blood... But now my grandfather has even said that you would be wel–"

Severus stopped himself before he could say more than he should.

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The Gestalt Prince

"... well," Lily said, "it's a good thing he's better than you thought."

Severus nodded. "I should probably head home and write to him, then."

"You could write from here," Lily offered. "And I'll make us something to eat."

Only now did Severus realize he hadn't eaten anything while they were out, and based on what Lily had said, she probably hadn't either. "Where do you keep your quills?"

"I have pens," Lily said. "Check my dad's old study upstairs; Mum kept everything the same."

Severus nodded once more and went upstairs to retrieve some loose paper and a pen, opening the door next to the master bedroom.

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Just as Lily had said, the study was still the same as Severus remembered it, proof that Mrs Evans had not changed a thing since her husband's death.

Somehow Severus could understand why, Mr Evans had loved his study and it was his place, no one had ever entered without knocking - without being invited in by the man himself.

It was all about respecting other people's privacy, a lesson Mr Evans considered very important in life... And Severus had quickly learned to understand why at Hogwarts.

To be alone in this study now... It was strange somehow. But when Severus closed his eyes...

Somehow he could also see himself sitting in the leather chair that sat on the desk, the small lamp turned on to provide light while he read or wrote something down.

Lily would be sitting in the armchair or lying on the sofa if she wasn't busy somewhere else in the house or preparing dinner for them.

The soft laughter of children might be audible, filling the house with an extra warmth.

It could be their home.

A home filled with the love of a family, the love that the Evans family had filled it with.

A smile slowly formed on his lips as he stood in the room with his eyes closed.

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The Gestalt Prince
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