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Severus Snape in Fanfiction

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Much more important/defining aspects of Severus's character are that he's witty, highly intelligent, has an extensive vocabulary, and can deliver absolutely savage comebacks. Him referring to people as dunderheads over and over? Not only is that annoying, but it doesn't make sense for him as a character. He's far too creative for that, which I'd like to see more of in fanfiction.

I fully agree on this.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
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Obscura Nox Animae – 1 (referenced by Harry in a letter to Severus)

Non Omnis Moriar – 1 (used by Severus while talking shit about Harry and Ron)

Veritas Omnia Vincit – 0

Your Way and Mine – 0

Cumulatively, that's 661,970 words of fiction (roughly 1,471 pages) 😮. I should throw them all together in a single document and see how often other words are used. 😃

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaMotanul NegruWinter's Shade

My pet peeve in many Snily fics is Doormat! Severus. He keeps going through hoops for her sake while Lily acts like a Saint who never did anything wrong in her past despite being flawed.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaMotanul Negru

I do give him a more limited and low-class vocabulary in his first year, or try to anyway

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga

One of my pet peeve in some Snape fics is some authors making him poor uwu baby.

Snape did have some agency and chose to do what he wanted, nothing was forced upon him (just the circumstances). I also like him nasty, childish, witty and petty who enjoyed flaunting his authority and enjoyed taking Harry down a peg.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalWinter's Shade

Writing Severus is so interesting because he will adapt to whichever time/event you write him in. For example, PoA Severus would be vastly different than writing HBP Severus. GoF Severus would be different to PS Severus.

I am very much into writing the post-war version as it sort of acts as a 'free-for-all' considering 1) Canonically, he's not alive (my preference says otherwise lol), and 2) He no longer needs to play the role of spy, triple agent, Death Eater, Order member, Dumbledore's lackey, Harry's protector, and fighter.

Post-War Severus should be a broken man - Someone who likely thought he'd meet his end and was comfortable with that notion, now suddenly alive and trying to figure out who he is now, and what he should be doing. Some port-War Severus' hide away, change identity, or flee the country. Some post-War become so lost and depressed, and may even be suicidal because of guilt and shame.

I find this one of the most fascinating versions of Severus to write, because is a man now with lost hope and trying to figure out how to make a life for himself. Does the public still resent him? Is he still hunted by stray dark forces? Does he try and make amends? Does he respond when Harry tries to reach out?

There are sooo many fascinating possibilities, and delving into Severus' mind in regard to this situation makes for a very good psychological study, and learning to make peace with a past you cannot change by learning to be kinder to yourself. We know Severus'guilt made him an angry, bitter man, so overcoming this would take a long time, and many bad days.

But considering this version of Severus is free from the constraint of servant of Voldemort, and essentially Dumbledore - he is free to pave his own way and make his own decisions. And considering he spent most of his life in the service of either...realising this second chance and true freedom is another thing for him to overcome and trust.

Post-War Severus will always be a favorite of mine.

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