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Snape Fanfic Recommendations (General/Miscellaneous)

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A Difference in the Family: The Snape Chronicles

By Rannaro

We have the testimony of Harry, but witnesses can be notoriously unreliable, especially when they have only part of the story. This is a biography of Severus Snape from his birth until his death. It is canon-compatible, and it is Snape's point of view.

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To Fix a Ruptured Heart


Tobias and Eileen find themselves together again after many years, to identify their sons body. Battered and destroyed after saving a world that had detested his very existence. They wake up the next day to prepare a funeral, and instead wake up to an owl tapping on their window. The date on the letter? The 17th of October, 1976.

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The Gestalt PrinceDark Angel

The Coward

By pet_genius

Minerva has to face her fears as Snape's portrait is finally ready to be hung on the wall at her new office

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You're Not My Son


The first thought that crossed Tobias' mind was 'that's going to scar', and then immediately after 'that's not my son'.

There was something in the way he held himself, as if he was an old man instead of a sixteen year old. But the most unsettling part were his eyes, those black orbs normally so full of rage and defiance were now dull and tired… old, as if he had lived through several decades already.

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The Gestalt PrinceDark Angel



At the end of Third year, Harry is angry that his favourite teacher is leaving and decides to confront the man responsible, demanding an explanation. Except what Snapes tells him about his reasons shocks him and makes him question how things really are. Sometimes, things are not as clear as they seem. One Shot.

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The Gestalt PrinceDark Angel

a mother's love


She had failed as a mother, and because she couldn’t stand up to her husband, her son had suffered his whole life until, now that Lily Evans Potter was gone, he thought there was no reason for his own life to continue. Well, Eileen wasn’t going to take that lying down.


Time travel AU. WARNING: Discussion of spousal abuse, child abuse, and attempted suicide.

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The Gestalt PrinceDark Angel

After the Pensieve Debacle


Severus Snape has something to say about being 'asked' to resume the doomed-to-failure Occlumency experiment. Actually, he might be quite verbose on the topic.

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The Gestalt PrinceDark Angel

Not Sorry For Existing


“ Sorry for what, Potter?” Severus asks, speaking so calmly it takes both him and Narcissa by surprise.


Even Evan looks a little put off by the sudden apology.


“Sev,” Narcissa tries to plead, a little angry that her best friend would even think of accepting such an apology but Severus shakes her off.


James looks a little confused and he chuckles awkwardly. “Sorry for being mean these past couple of years.”


“Mean?” Evan says, eyes blown wide with rage.


“And what about the physical abuse?” Severus inquires.


James balks. “Excuse me?!”

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The Gestalt PrinceDark Angel

I Know Not and I Cannot Know; Yet I Live and I Love

By billowsandsmoke

Severus Snape has his emotions in check. He knows that he experiences anger and self-loathing and a bitter yearning, and that he rarely deviates from that spectrum… Until the first-year Luna Lovegood arrives to his class wearing a wreath of baby’s breath. Over the next six years, an odd friendship grows between the two, and Snape is not sure how he feels about any of it.

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Ultimate Revenge


After almost being eaten by a predatory animal and humiliated before half of school, Severus had enough.

He plans his departure.

Of course, in Slytherin style.

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