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WTF Did I Just Read? (a.k.a. Truly Disturbing Fanfiction Recommendations)

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@fictionlover96lol recommended I Can Rip It Open by Celesbrini on A03 via Discord.

It is profoundly disturbing-- and really, really good. Minus some small tense and dialogue snags, the writer draws you in from the beginning, and things only get more twisted and intense from there.

Snape features in this story as a paedophile who preys on a teenaged Lily. The writer goes into the very darkest recesses of his mind, where he rationalises his abominable conduct, while maintaining all the tortured complexity of Snape's character. It also features the Marauders. The tags include

Read at your peril!

Heatherlly and Sam have reacted to this post.
Quote from mmlf on July 14, 2024, 3:05 pm

@fictionlover96lol recommended I Can Rip It Open by Celesbrini on A03 via Discord.

It is profoundly disturbing-- and really, really good. Minus some small tense and dialogue snags, the writer draws you in from the beginning, and things only get more twisted and intense from there.

Snape features in this story as a paedophile who preys on a teenaged Lily. The writer goes intot he very darkest recesses of his mind, where he rationalises his abominable conduct, while maintaining all the tortured complexity of Snape's character. It also features the Marauders. The tags include

Read at your peril!

I feel sick after reading this... 😣😣😣
Heatherlly, mmlf and Sam have reacted to this post.

@robaku90 Did you read the story or only the description?

@mmlf That sounds fascinating, albeit in the worst sort of way. Will definitely check it out – thanks for the recommendation!


mmlf and Sam have reacted to this post.
Quote from Robaku90 on July 14, 2024, 8:37 pm
Quote from mmlf on July 14, 2024, 3:05 pm

@fictionlover96lol recommended I Can Rip It Open by Celesbrini on A03 via Discord.

It is profoundly disturbing-- and really, really good. Minus some small tense and dialogue snags, the writer draws you in from the beginning, and things only get more twisted and intense from there.

Snape features in this story as a paedophile who preys on a teenaged Lily. The writer goes intot he very darkest recesses of his mind, where he rationalises his abominable conduct, while maintaining all the tortured complexity of Snape's character. It also features the Marauders. The tags include

Read at your peril!

I feel sick after reading this... 😣😣😣

Assuming you read the story or the description, then yeah. I was thankfully distracted with the football last night, but probably best to find a nice consensual romantic story after this! Or cat videos, as suggested by @fictionlover96lol .

Robaku90 and Sam have reacted to this post.

Yeah. Sorry for ruining your appetite. That's why I suggested palate cleansers afterwards, such as cat videos or my little fanfics xD

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Quote from Heatherlly on July 15, 2024, 4:20 am

@robaku90 Did you read the story or only the description?

@mmlf That sounds fascinating, albeit in the worst sort of way. Will definitely check it out – thanks for the recommendation!



Yes, I read the story. I try to read every suggestion you share (it's very nice of you, by the way, you are a treasure trove of knowledge about Severus fanfiction). Besides, I had to read a lot of unusual things in my life due to my studies (I recommend, for example, "Gnój" by Wojciech Kuczok, if it was published in English).

In this story, it wasn't so scary what Seveus did to Lily (I don't want to spam or give away the ending - but that scene was terrifying 😮 😭), but how Severus was portrayed here.

He's the typical disgusting guy they tried to portray in the canon. I mean short fingers and more.

Already in the comments to the story, attention was paid to how Severus justifies his sick interests. How can you explain SOMETHING LIKE THIS?! How to justify such behavior. How can you not be so afraid of punishment or compassionate, it's unnatural! And he's not afraid. 

I haven't seen Severus so disgusting for a long time. He's a real psychopath, a sociopath, and I think that's what every degenerate of his kind might think (there's no other way to call it).

I hope that the translator accurately reflected the content of the story, as well as my comment. 

This story pained me, but that is the purpose of literature - to move. That's why I think the author did a really good job!

Now I really need a lot of warm Snilies or little puppies (I don't like kittens, even small ones).

Thank you for sharing this story!
Heatherlly and mmlf have reacted to this post.


I totally understand where you're coming from. Stories like that can be difficult to read, but in their own way, I think they're important and valuable. There is so much darkness in our world… fiction gives us a safe place to explore that and try to understand how and why terrible things might happen. This is why "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov is so popular and considered a classic. "How could anyone do that?" is a powerful question, one that (sometimes despite our better judgment) we all want answered.

With that in mind, I'm off to read the story. Wish me luck!

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90

Okay, yeah…

Seriously, that was well written other than the occasional odd word choice or tense issue. It was also very believable, which to me, was the most disturbing thing about it. Older and/or unattractive man deluding themselves into believing that beautiful young women are into them is extremely common. Fortunately, most of them don't turn out to be rapists, but it can and does happen. :/

As a side note, this was the only time in my life I've ever found myself rooting for James. 😂

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90

Been thinking about it all day, and… I want to write a sequel to that story. I'm going to contact the author and ask for permission.

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90

I was thinking about it hours after I read it too. The believability is profoundly disturbing, and it's clever how James Potter ends up being on the right side again, just like in canon. A sequel would definitely be good.

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90
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