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WTF Did I Just Read? (a.k.a. Truly Disturbing Fanfiction Recommendations)

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The author gave me their permission. 🙂

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90

That was quick! Nice! Any preliminary ideas (although if you don't want to give out spoilers, by all means, ignore!)?

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90
Quote from mmlf on July 18, 2024, 5:31 am

That was quick! Nice! Any preliminary ideas (although if you don't want to give out spoilers, by all means, ignore!)?

My main issue with that story (other than the obvious) is that everything felt unresolved. What happened after Lily was raped? Did she report it to her parents and/or the police? If so, was "Severus" convicted and sent to prison or did he find some way to escape justice?

Alternatively, what would've happened if she didn't tell anyone? That's equally plausible, if not more so, which leads to even more unanswered questions. Based on that final scene, we know that Severus is still deep in his delusion, that violating Lily didn't satisfy his obsession with her, and that he expects it to happen again. So, assuming that she doesn't tell anyone, what would he do next? What would she do?

One idea I had was based on the latter premise. Lily doesn't tell anyone and the situation continues to escalate. I was thinking I turn it into a rape revenge sort of thing… the hunter eventually becomes the hunted and all that.

My other idea is a bit more fuzzy (just came to me a few minutes ago). Obviously, the Severus in "I Can Rip It Open" is nothing like the Severus we know and love from the series. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who read that story and thought, "this is a completely different person who just happens to have Severus's name".

What if I took that idea and ran with it? As in, this isn't the real Severus Snape but a Muggle imposter who stole his identity? There are so many directions I could go with that, but the point of the story would be to highlight the differences between them, demonstrating that Muggle pedophile Severus is so out of character that he literally isn't Severus at all.

I could easily combine those two ideas. Lily doesn't tell anyone, fake Severus terrorizes her, real Severus gets wind of what's going on and confronts his Muggle doppelgänger.

Either way, I don't want "Severus" to get away with what he did. That more than anything is why I wanted to write a follow-up.

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90ZombiePotter04


Nabokov's genius was that nothing in his novel was named or said directly! This word juggling was truly amazing! The film with Irons was already clearer, you know, it's a film. But the book... You really have to have talent! Additionally, it was placed on the index of banned books in many countries. This proves something. Besides, his hero didn't seem disgusting, unlike Severus from this story. 

I really liked your second idea for a sequel. I know you'll do it brilliantly because you write so beautifully. Thanks to this, you will also whiten the "real" Severus, it is very uplifting.

When you wrote about the sequel, I thought about the Stockholm Syndrome thread. Despite the great harm, Lily would write letters to Severus in prison. The victim's psyche is very complex and everyone deals with trauma in different ways. I know that epistolary novels are not as interesting as they were in the 18th or 19th centuries, but the plot itself seems interesting to me. Great villains did not complain about the lack of attention, even though their behavior was sick. 

Of course, these are just my loose suggestions.
Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceZombiePotter04
The world is pretty dark and shitty, but probably not that often and to that extent. 😃
Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceZombiePotter04
I don't know what it would take for me to ever root for James. 😃

Will you post a link when your story is published?
Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceZombiePotter04
Quote from Heatherlly on July 19, 2024, 3:53 pm
Quote from mmlf on July 18, 2024, 5:31 am

That was quick! Nice! Any preliminary ideas (although if you don't want to give out spoilers, by all means, ignore!)?

My main issue with that story (other than the obvious) is that everything felt unresolved. What happened after Lily was raped? Did she report it to her parents and/or the police? If so, was "Severus" convicted and sent to prison or did he find some way to escape justice?

Alternatively, what would've happened if she didn't tell anyone? That's equally plausible, if not more so, which leads to even more unanswered questions. Based on that final scene, we know that Severus is still deep in his delusion, that violating Lily didn't satisfy his obsession with her, and that he expects it to happen again. So, assuming that she doesn't tell anyone, what would he do next? What would she do?

One idea I had was based on the latter premise. Lily doesn't tell anyone and the situation continues to escalate. I was thinking I turn it into a rape revenge sort of thing… the hunter eventually becomes the hunted and all that.

My other idea is a bit more fuzzy (just came to me a few minutes ago). Obviously, the Severus in "I Can Rip It Open" is nothing like the Severus we know and love from the series. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who read that story and thought, "this is a completely different person who just happens to have Severus's name".

What if I took that idea and ran with it? As in, this isn't the real Severus Snape but a Muggle imposter who stole his identity? There are so many directions I could go with that, but the point of the story would be to highlight the differences between them, demonstrating that Muggle pedophile Severus is so out of character that he literally isn't Severus at all.

I could easily combine those two ideas. Lily doesn't tell anyone, fake Severus terrorizes her, real Severus gets wind of what's going on and confronts his Muggle doppelgänger.

Either way, I don't want "Severus" to get away with what he did. That more than anything is why I wanted to write a follow-up.

Haven't read the original story, but this sequel of yours does intrigue me! Like basically everyone else here, I don't see Severus being a r*pist or anything close of the sort AT ALL. Personally, I think he is heavily against it (considering the bad relationship his parents had and the heights that gets taken to in some fanfiction). So, to have the actual r*pist be an impostor instead of the real Severus (maybe via a very overpowered Polyjuice Potion?) sounds way more believable to me as a story arc. Maybe the actual Severus will be Lily's hero here? Because, like you and @robaku90 (hi!! Long time no talk!! 😀 ), I have a hard time rooting for James at all. :p Curious to see what you will come up with! 😀

Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on July 21, 2024, 11:25 am
Quote from Heatherlly on July 19, 2024, 3:53 pm
Quote from mmlf on July 18, 2024, 5:31 am

That was quick! Nice! Any preliminary ideas (although if you don't want to give out spoilers, by all means, ignore!)?

My main issue with that story (other than the obvious) is that everything felt unresolved. What happened after Lily was raped? Did she report it to her parents and/or the police? If so, was "Severus" convicted and sent to prison or did he find some way to escape justice?

Alternatively, what would've happened if she didn't tell anyone? That's equally plausible, if not more so, which leads to even more unanswered questions. Based on that final scene, we know that Severus is still deep in his delusion, that violating Lily didn't satisfy his obsession with her, and that he expects it to happen again. So, assuming that she doesn't tell anyone, what would he do next? What would she do?

One idea I had was based on the latter premise. Lily doesn't tell anyone and the situation continues to escalate. I was thinking I turn it into a rape revenge sort of thing… the hunter eventually becomes the hunted and all that.

My other idea is a bit more fuzzy (just came to me a few minutes ago). Obviously, the Severus in "I Can Rip It Open" is nothing like the Severus we know and love from the series. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who read that story and thought, "this is a completely different person who just happens to have Severus's name".

What if I took that idea and ran with it? As in, this isn't the real Severus Snape but a Muggle imposter who stole his identity? There are so many directions I could go with that, but the point of the story would be to highlight the differences between them, demonstrating that Muggle pedophile Severus is so out of character that he literally isn't Severus at all.

I could easily combine those two ideas. Lily doesn't tell anyone, fake Severus terrorizes her, real Severus gets wind of what's going on and confronts his Muggle doppelgänger.

Either way, I don't want "Severus" to get away with what he did. That more than anything is why I wanted to write a follow-up.

Haven't read the original story, but this sequel of yours does intrigue me! Like basically everyone else here, I don't see Severus being a r*pist or anything close of the sort AT ALL. Personally, I think he is heavily against it (considering the bad relationship his parents had and the heights that gets taken to in some fanfiction). So, to have the actual r*pist be an impostor instead of the real Severus (maybe via a very overpowered Polyjuice Potion?) sounds way more believable to me as a story arc. Maybe the actual Severus will be Lily's hero here? Because, like you and @robaku90 (hi!! Long time no talk!! 😀 ), I have a hard time rooting for James at all. :p Curious to see what you will come up with! 😀


Good morning Celinko! 😃 Indeed, there has been silence, but I always come back, like recurring scabies or dandruff. 🤣

Your idea of ​​the real Severus being a hero and saving Lily really appeals to me! We'll see what Heatherlly comes up with. 😃

PS Don't read the original, it will break your heart a million times! 😭😭😭

PS 2 As always, I'm giving James the middle finger. 😄   I hope he doesn't appear in the sequel, and if he does, it will only be as an insignificant yokel. 😃
Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceZombiePotter04
Quote from Robaku90 on July 22, 2024, 10:59 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on July 21, 2024, 11:25 am
Quote from Heatherlly on July 19, 2024, 3:53 pm
Quote from mmlf on July 18, 2024, 5:31 am

That was quick! Nice! Any preliminary ideas (although if you don't want to give out spoilers, by all means, ignore!)?

My main issue with that story (other than the obvious) is that everything felt unresolved. What happened after Lily was raped? Did she report it to her parents and/or the police? If so, was "Severus" convicted and sent to prison or did he find some way to escape justice?

Alternatively, what would've happened if she didn't tell anyone? That's equally plausible, if not more so, which leads to even more unanswered questions. Based on that final scene, we know that Severus is still deep in his delusion, that violating Lily didn't satisfy his obsession with her, and that he expects it to happen again. So, assuming that she doesn't tell anyone, what would he do next? What would she do?

One idea I had was based on the latter premise. Lily doesn't tell anyone and the situation continues to escalate. I was thinking I turn it into a rape revenge sort of thing… the hunter eventually becomes the hunted and all that.

My other idea is a bit more fuzzy (just came to me a few minutes ago). Obviously, the Severus in "I Can Rip It Open" is nothing like the Severus we know and love from the series. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who read that story and thought, "this is a completely different person who just happens to have Severus's name".

What if I took that idea and ran with it? As in, this isn't the real Severus Snape but a Muggle imposter who stole his identity? There are so many directions I could go with that, but the point of the story would be to highlight the differences between them, demonstrating that Muggle pedophile Severus is so out of character that he literally isn't Severus at all.

I could easily combine those two ideas. Lily doesn't tell anyone, fake Severus terrorizes her, real Severus gets wind of what's going on and confronts his Muggle doppelgänger.

Either way, I don't want "Severus" to get away with what he did. That more than anything is why I wanted to write a follow-up.

Haven't read the original story, but this sequel of yours does intrigue me! Like basically everyone else here, I don't see Severus being a r*pist or anything close of the sort AT ALL. Personally, I think he is heavily against it (considering the bad relationship his parents had and the heights that gets taken to in some fanfiction). So, to have the actual r*pist be an impostor instead of the real Severus (maybe via a very overpowered Polyjuice Potion?) sounds way more believable to me as a story arc. Maybe the actual Severus will be Lily's hero here? Because, like you and @robaku90 (hi!! Long time no talk!! 😀 ), I have a hard time rooting for James at all. :p Curious to see what you will come up with! 😀


Good morning Celinko! 😃 Indeed, there has been silence, but I always come back, like recurring scabies or dandruff. 🤣

Your idea of ​​the real Severus being a hero and saving Lily really appeals to me! We'll see what Heatherlly comes up with. 😃

PS Don't read the original, it will break your heart a million times! 😭😭😭

PS 2 As always, I'm giving James the middle finger. 😄   I hope he doesn't appear in the sequel, and if he does, it will only be as an insignificant yokel. 😃

Hii!! Yes, I have indeed been silent for a while, oops-👀 (still working on my lengthy reply to you in the "Hi!" thread, btw! 😀 ) But I am surely glad to be back! <3 I don't think I will read the original fic, no. It will surely break my heart into a million pieces😭 (thank you for protecting my fragile heart for me, bestieee!!❤❤) Yes, I live for James being the villain, MUHAHAHHAA (still, Heatherlly gets the final say, of course! It is her story. And I am sure it will be a wonderful one either way! <3 )

Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on July 22, 2024, 7:11 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on July 22, 2024, 10:59 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on July 21, 2024, 11:25 am
Quote from Heatherlly on July 19, 2024, 3:53 pm
Quote from mmlf on July 18, 2024, 5:31 am

That was quick! Nice! Any preliminary ideas (although if you don't want to give out spoilers, by all means, ignore!)?

My main issue with that story (other than the obvious) is that everything felt unresolved. What happened after Lily was raped? Did she report it to her parents and/or the police? If so, was "Severus" convicted and sent to prison or did he find some way to escape justice?

Alternatively, what would've happened if she didn't tell anyone? That's equally plausible, if not more so, which leads to even more unanswered questions. Based on that final scene, we know that Severus is still deep in his delusion, that violating Lily didn't satisfy his obsession with her, and that he expects it to happen again. So, assuming that she doesn't tell anyone, what would he do next? What would she do?

One idea I had was based on the latter premise. Lily doesn't tell anyone and the situation continues to escalate. I was thinking I turn it into a rape revenge sort of thing… the hunter eventually becomes the hunted and all that.

My other idea is a bit more fuzzy (just came to me a few minutes ago). Obviously, the Severus in "I Can Rip It Open" is nothing like the Severus we know and love from the series. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who read that story and thought, "this is a completely different person who just happens to have Severus's name".

What if I took that idea and ran with it? As in, this isn't the real Severus Snape but a Muggle imposter who stole his identity? There are so many directions I could go with that, but the point of the story would be to highlight the differences between them, demonstrating that Muggle pedophile Severus is so out of character that he literally isn't Severus at all.

I could easily combine those two ideas. Lily doesn't tell anyone, fake Severus terrorizes her, real Severus gets wind of what's going on and confronts his Muggle doppelgänger.

Either way, I don't want "Severus" to get away with what he did. That more than anything is why I wanted to write a follow-up.

Haven't read the original story, but this sequel of yours does intrigue me! Like basically everyone else here, I don't see Severus being a r*pist or anything close of the sort AT ALL. Personally, I think he is heavily against it (considering the bad relationship his parents had and the heights that gets taken to in some fanfiction). So, to have the actual r*pist be an impostor instead of the real Severus (maybe via a very overpowered Polyjuice Potion?) sounds way more believable to me as a story arc. Maybe the actual Severus will be Lily's hero here? Because, like you and @robaku90 (hi!! Long time no talk!! 😀 ), I have a hard time rooting for James at all. :p Curious to see what you will come up with! 😀


Good morning Celinko! 😃 Indeed, there has been silence, but I always come back, like recurring scabies or dandruff. 🤣

Your idea of ​​the real Severus being a hero and saving Lily really appeals to me! We'll see what Heatherlly comes up with. 😃

PS Don't read the original, it will break your heart a million times! 😭😭😭

PS 2 As always, I'm giving James the middle finger. 😄   I hope he doesn't appear in the sequel, and if he does, it will only be as an insignificant yokel. 😃

Hii!! Yes, I have indeed been silent for a while, oops-👀 (still working on my lengthy reply to you in the "Hi!" thread, btw! 😀 ) But I am surely glad to be back! <3 I don't think I will read the original fic, no. It will surely break my heart into a million pieces😭 (thank you for protecting my fragile heart for me, bestieee!!❤❤) Yes, I live for James being the villain, MUHAHAHHAA (still, Heatherlly gets the final say, of course! It is her story. And I am sure it will be a wonderful one either way! <3 )


Ha, ha, I thought I was the only one who spent half a day on the answer, but it's comforting that you do the same, Celinko! 😅😅😅 Here, no one is chasing anyone, you don't have to explain yourself. If you want, you will answer whenever you want. In the meantime, I was looking for your other posts on the forum. ❤ No problem! I know how bad this would affect you because it's a terrible story. 😭😭😭 I mean: written very well and in line with the psychology of the characters, but: no. Do not read this. Poor Lily (poor victim, maybe that). James is the bottom and two meters of mud, as they say in my country (I was born in the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes, water references are my thing 🤣). I always wish him the worst, but I've already written it a million times. 😂 Of course! Whatever Heatherlly writes will be great! Did you read her thumbnail about Lily coming to Sev after the funeral? And it comes to what we like the most? 😜 I recommend it! There was once a thought that there would be a sequel and I'm still waiting with hope in my heart!

Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceZombiePotter04
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