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Misconceptions about Snape

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I am the attention Snively and your followers can't change that

There's a misconception among Snaters that Severus knew Pettigrew was a death eater and hide the secret even before the Potter's death.

Some Snaters also believe that James invented Levicorpus and Severus copied it in his textbook thus accusing Severus of stealing James' spell. 🤦‍♀️

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Sadly, one of the common misconceptions I get from Snaters is that he is an "incel" who creeps on women, is racist, and a child abuser.

It only irks me every time they say stuff like this. (It's even sad when it's coming from people I know, and today I just got another one.) Like, did we read the same books? I didn't see any of that listed or even implied in the text.

@heatherlly I'd love to read your meta on all these misconceptions sometime! I think I need to send it to some people I know.

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You can refer to this meta @timeladyjamie, this one defines "incel", their traits and how Snape is not one of them.

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The whole claim of Severus being a 'child abuser' grinds my gears immensely.

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga
Quote from SanctuaryAngel on June 4, 2023, 1:46 am

The whole claim of Severus being a 'child abuser' grinds my gears immensely.

Yeah, me too. I had some of the pretty bad teachers in my school days and Snape is saint as a teacher in comparison to them.

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HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal
Quote from Naaga on June 4, 2023, 1:51 am
Quote from SanctuaryAngel on June 4, 2023, 1:46 am

The whole claim of Severus being a 'child abuser' grinds my gears immensely.

Yeah, me too. I had some of the pretty bad teachers in my school days and Snape is saint as a teacher in comparison to them.

Agreed. I had far worse teachers, and I'd never go as far as to label them an abuser.

And I mean, this is very much an unpopular opinion, but...I actually do not think Severus was a bully, either. It's one of many words that get thrown around without the care of knowing what it truly means. Severus is petty, bitter, antagonistic, rude, and snarky, but 'bully' isn't exactly the appropriate word to describe him, imho.

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaDark Angel

They do exaggerate his negative personality traits. I worked as a teacher for a short while and there are a lot of things that I disagree with when it comes to his teaching:

1. Harry's first lesson, Harry was so eager to write every single word down that came out of his teacher's mouth and Snape humiliated him into hating that same lesson. Your job as a teacher is to make students like your subject, not despise it. Then there's the beginning of HBP, when I see a student covered in blood my first priority would be taking them to the hospital wing asap, not take points for not following the school's dress code.

2. Neville. The kid has self-esteem issues which are most probably caused by his grandmother. Most teachers know that such kids thrive when you give them responsibility and are patient with them. You need to force them out of their shell. Snape could have asked him about some plants that are used in the potions as Neville is supposedly skilled in Herbology, answering right would give him a boost of confidence.

3. Hermione. I understand that Snape and Hemrione have two very different kinds of intelligence; Snape is inventive while Hermione is the epitome of booksmart. Even if Snape values thinking outside of the box more than regurgitating knowledge from books, teachers all appreciate studious children like Hermione. Her behavior and craving for appreciation can be considered a trauma response. Either her parents loved her conditionally and Hermiones value depended on her academic achievements or she's trying to prove her worth as a muggleborn and desperately attempting to catch up with her peers who have a natural headstart by being born into magical families. I do expect a teacher to have enough understanding of his student's psyche to understand the underlying cause for their behavior.....


Normal teachers also aren't spies who serve a madman capable of reading minds. Snape has to show Voldemort that he hates his job and those little mudbloods and blood traitors. Cano's limited point of view only shows us how Snape dealt with his snakes and their rival house but how did he treat Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs? I personally think he would enjoy teaching them as both groups are hard working.

I also don't think that Snape is such a bad teacher. He is definitely not suitable for teaching younger kids but most of his bullying is sarcasm. And he does impart very crucial knowledge. Harry learned his signature spell from Snape, he saved Ron from being poisoned with a bezoar which he learned in first year not only from the Half-Blood Prince's notes,  and Snape threatens him with Veritaserum one year prior to Umbridge's arrival.

I myself had sharp-tongued teachers and other than an eyeroll, they never got much of a reaction from me. Also add that Snape is probably the youngest teacher on staff, those always have trouble controlling the students because they're taken less seriously than their older colleagues, that's why young teachers end up being too lenient in an attempt to befriend their students or too strict in an attempt to retain control of the classroom.

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HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaYampamAllison

Ideally Snape should've been teaching only NEWT classes where only those students who possessed temperament, talent and interest for potions to be allowed to take his classes. He wasn't good for teaching foundation classes for novices, less talented and unconfident students.

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HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelAllison
Quote from Naaga on June 4, 2023, 9:12 am

Ideally Snape should've been teaching only NEWT classes where only those students who possessed temperament, talent and interest for potions to be allowed to take his classes. He wasn't good for teaching foundation classes for novices, less talented and unconfident students.

I agree.

Especially because NEWT students chose to be there, already showing their willingness to advance in the subject. Severus needs to see that dedication, for starters.

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