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Poll: Least Favourite Snape Pairings?

Least favourite Snape pairings?
Snotter (Snape/James)
Snack (Snape/Sirius)
Snupin (Snape/Lupin)
Snumbledore (Snape/Dumbledore)
Snilch (Snape/Filch)
Sniddle (Snape/Voldemort)
Snarry (Snape/Harry)
Snily (Snape/Lily)
Snamione (Snape/Hermione)
Snuna (Snape/Luna)
Snonks (Snape/Tonks)
Snucius (Snape/Lucius)
Snarcissa (Snape/Narcissa)
Snegulus (Snape/Regulus)
SnOC (Snape/Original Character)
Snagonagall (Snape/McGonagall)
Snoppy (Snape/Poppy)
Snand (Snape/Hand)
Other (Please explain in comment)
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Since we have a favorite pairings poll, we also need an opposite one.

We have multiple choices to vote for your least favourite pairings.

Feel free to elaborate why you don't like them but be fair and reasonable in criticism. No character bashing allowed.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelJaySMSalvyus

So, there were a lot of choices here, so I'll just summarize that my least favorite pairings are either same-sex (I don't read Snape as gay or bisexual) or student-professor relationship (Snape's younger than almost all members of Hogwarts staff, and I'm not comfortable with him being paired with one of his students).

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 7 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelKrystalNaagaYampamWinter's ShadeDark AngelJaySMSalvyus

See my reasoning in the fave pairings poll.

Severus x OC is the only pairing I like.

I have multiple reasons why I dislike all the selections, several which are sadly popular and yet I vehemently despise. But I won't explain further, because I would be upsetting a lot of people, and I'd rather not do that.

Several of those make me nauseous.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaYampamDark AngelJaySMSalvyus

It’s either Severus and Lily or no one. I lose a lot of fics with a good premises but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelZombiePotter04

So in mostly chose Snape and the Marauders for obvious reasons. For those who don't get it: I don't think that pairing someone with their bullies is very romantic. However, if the author is intentionally making the pairing toxic, I'm up for it.

The others include Regulus because I prefer him to have a bromance with Snape, Dumbledore, Filch, Poppy, etc because of the age difference...for some reason I'm more amenable to McGonagall though but I still prefer them as friends.

I generally don't like romance. The pairings that I am interested in do not actually result from their relationship but rather the author's ability to write them. In the past, I used to be a Snily shipper but I liked it less and less until I lost almost all interest in it. I didn't like stories that shipped Snape with a student but came across time travel fix its or ones where the student in question is an adult and the authors just managed to write the stories so well that they made me like the ship. I'm specifically talking about eira and laventadorn; when I first got into the fandom, I stumbled upon a Snarriet fic that was so disturbing that it even creeped out the author and was abandoned, then came across "Certain Dark Things" and " The Never-ending Road" and voila. But frankly, I still mostly dislike Snape x students pairings because most authors just make it creepy and then try to pass that off as romance...thank you very much.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaYampamWinter's ShadeSalvyus

I think I greatly disliked most of these. For reasons others have already said, I can't see Severus with any of the Marauders themselves, or even a character from that generation. Too much trauma. And to be honest, a relationship between them would be heavily toxic.

I'm not a fan of shipping Severus with his students — although I did when I was younger. Probably due to my own age being that of the student characters and not caring for the moral implications. As someone in their late twenties now, the age difference mostly makes me recoil.

But "Snand" made me snort.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

I voted for obviously what most if not all of us voted, Marauders, Dumbledore, McGonagall etc with exception of Lily.

I think everyone have explained the reasons for not liking them and I won't go into details why I don't like them otherwise I may end up offending many people, I am open to PM in these discussions about why I don't like certain characters.

"Snand" is a fun pairing because hand are men's best friend in loneliness, you can call it self-sufficiency. 😹😹

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalYampamDark AngelBitterBritSalvyus

I think Snand is the most canon of all the ships

Krystal, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
KrystalNaagaDark AngelBitterBritSalvyus
Quote from Naaga on August 10, 2023, 12:31 am

I voted for obviously what most if not all of us voted, Marauders, Dumbledore, McGonagall etc with exception of Lily.

I think everyone have explained the reasons for not liking them and I won't go into details why I don't like them otherwise I may end up offending many people, I am open to PM in these discussions about why I don't like certain characters.

"Snand" is a fun pairing because hand are men's best friend in loneliness, you can call it self-sufficiency. 😹😹

Severus x happiness, and with a partner, a healthy relationship 🥰 I don't understand why he needs to be thrown with toxic ones (95% of them, really).

Krystal, Naaga and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
KrystalNaagaDark AngelBitterBritSalvyusAllison
Quote from SanctuaryAngel on August 10, 2023, 1:54 am
Quote from Naaga on August 10, 2023, 12:31 am

I voted for obviously what most if not all of us voted, Marauders, Dumbledore, McGonagall etc with exception of Lily.

I think everyone have explained the reasons for not liking them and I won't go into details why I don't like them otherwise I may end up offending many people, I am open to PM in these discussions about why I don't like certain characters.

"Snand" is a fun pairing because hand are men's best friend in loneliness, you can call it self-sufficiency. 😹😹

Severus x happiness, and with a partner, a healthy relationship 🥰 I don't understand why he needs to be thrown with toxic ones (95% of them, really).

I completely agree, I can't bring myself to read him in any toxic relationship, least of all with Marauders. His canon relationships were mostly toxic including Lily and I'd rather prefer he finds true friends and healthy relationships with potential for happiness.

SanctuaryAngel, Krystal and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelKrystalYampamDark AngelBitterBritSalvyusAllison
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