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The Wizarding World: Questions, Theories, Speculation

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Both are classified as blood maledictions (blood curses) according to the Wizarding World site.

Heatherlly, Krystal and Naaga have reacted to this post.

Who created the Time Turners?


What are the rules of turning time?

Why did the Ministry keep a stash of Time Turners, rather than using them to reverse the numerous horrific things that occurred in the magical world? Was it because this woudl lead to grandfather paradox situations?

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Yampam have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaYampam

I personally headcanon Lycanthropy as an experiment for blood inherited animagus transformation gone wrong. The progenitor was a wolf animagus who was being experimented or experimented on himself to make his animagus transformation heriditory like Salazar's parseltongue talent. Intent was to make an army of feral dangerous animagus under the control for some cheesy purpose like world domination. Obviously, it went wrong and resulted in the current cursed transformation.

So I see it as a cursed involuntary animagus transformation transmitted by bites and blood. That's why I think werewolf can't learn to become animagus (I think Lupin would've tried it) because they already are animagus and new ability can't overwrite the werewolf form.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaYampam

I am curious about the origin of Deathly Hallows, some people say that they were made by Peverell brothers while the others believe that they were supernatural artifacts from the literal death.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Krystal have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal

I don't recall if this was ever definitively answered. Which option would you prefer?

The Gestalt Prince and Krystal have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystal

I am personally inclined to Hallows being made by Peverell brothers using things from Thestral. We know that the Elder Wand has as core a piece of Thestral hair. Many people have suggested that the Resurrection Stone is a Thestral bezoar. An interesting fact I've learned today is that Persian doctors used to carry a ring that had a bezoar as the stone because it was widely believed that bezoar could cure poisoning. This practice went on even throughout Medieval Europe.

Also it has been suggested that the Invisibility Cloak is made out of Thestral hair, but I have a much more disgusting theory. Thestrals are described as looking skeletal, but what if upon seeing someone die, only their bones become visible, while the skin remains forever invisible to the naked eye, and the Invisibility cloak is made out of Thestral skin?

Also it is stated that in order to see a Thestral, you must have seen death. In the Tale of Three Brothers we're told that the brothers meet Death on a lonely road at dawn (or midnight according to Molly), but seeing death has a more allegorical sense in the way Hagrid explains it. So I think the three brothers literally saw someone (maybe their companion) drown in the river that appears in the story but they used magic to escape.

What are your thoughts?

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaYampam

@kris I love these theories! All of them are plausible, and honestly, much better than what we were given in canon.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga

@heatherlly, glad that you liked it.😊

Now the next thing I am curious about are Dementors. After reading about them in latest meta, I wonder about the origin of such creatures, the dark wizard Ekrizdis and the mystery of Azkaban.

What are your thoughts?

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Yampam have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaYampam

In the same way that Peeves is the manifestation of Hogwarts's tomfoolery and mischief, I think dementors are the manifestation of despair. I think Ekrizdis just tortured people until he produced the first dementor, and then it sorta snowballed from there

Heatherlly, mmlf and Naaga have reacted to this post.
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on March 12, 2023, 1:29 am

In the same way that Peeves is the manifestation of Hogwarts's tomfoolery and mischief, I think dementors are the manifestation of despair. I think Ekrizdis just tortured people until he produced the first dementor, and then it sorta snowballed from there

Both Dementors and Lethifolds might have similar origin, I agree with your version of their origin.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Krystal have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal
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